

Every thirteen minutes, somewhere in the world, a woman dies from this disease.

Someone’s mom. Someone’s daughter. Sister. Aunt. Friend. Colleague. Confidante.
And men get it too. Fathers. Brothers. Uncles.
Help us help them.  Donate today to help us save lives.
Practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients

“Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world.” 



“Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world.” 

Every thirteen minutes, somewhere in the world, a woman dies from this disease.

Someone’s mom. Someone’s daughter. Sister. Aunt. Friend. Colleague. Confidante.
And men get it too. Fathers. Brothers. Uncles.
Help us help them.  Donate today to help us save lives.
Practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients
Practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients

Breast cancer can be beaten. Help us fight!

In South Africa, at least 1 in 26 women is diagnosed each year.

According to the World Health Organisation, It is estimated that every year almost 700 000 women (and men, too) will die of this disease.

Many lives can be saved through early detection.

Many lives can be changed through emotional and practical support.

Practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients



Practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients

Power of Pink

The Power of Pink campaign is an initiative of the South African Mushroom Farmers’ Association (SAMFA) in collaboration with PicknPay stores and Reach for Recovery. 

The campaign has run every year since 2011 to raise funds and awareness for the DITTO Project. 

To date, the Power of Pink campaign has raised almost R7.2 million rand for the DITTO Project and provided close to 8 500 silicone prostheses to women in state care.

Practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients

How the Power of Pink campaign works

Every October, SAMFA prepares packs of white button mushrooms in special pink punnets which are sold at PicknPay stores throughout South Africa. 

R1.00 of every punnet sold is donated to Reach for Recovery.  

They also promote the campaign across multimedia channels, including a special annual awareness campaign on their website and social media pages.

Did you know that mushrooms have many cancer fighting properties? 

In 2010, the Beckman Institute at the City of Hope Cancer Centre in California [in conjunction with University of Australia in Sydney in collaboration with Zhejiang University in China] found that eating just 10g of mushrooms a day more than halved people’s risk of developing breast cancer. 

That means eating just one fresh mushroom a day can help you avoid the ravages of this terrible disease. The research makes the work of RFR and SAMFA a natural fit.

That means eating just one fresh mushroom a day can help lower your risk of contracting breast cancer. Keep in mind that there are many factors that influence your risk, including your genetic history.

Read more about the Power of Pink campaign here.

Sticky Note Campaign

Euphoria Telecom and Reach for Recovery

As of 2022, Reach for Recovery has been the primary CSI partner of local telecommunications company, Euphoria Telecom, who created a beautiful survivors’ photo gallery at the annual KAMERS/Makers artisan expos in Stellenbosch and Johannesburg showcasing a group of survivors.

Euphoria also made a generous cash donation of R50 000 to help with Reach for Recovery’s annual running costs.

In 2023, Euphoria created the sticky note campaign, printing giant pink sticky notes to raise awareness and funds to help assist in early detection of breast cancer throughout October. The stickers were put up on the Cape Town Promenade by RFR volunteers.

Also dubbed the ‘Remember to Think Pink’ campaign, it uses a series of four pink sticky notes in English, Zulu and Xhosa, to encourage women to schedule their annual breast exam.

Watch the campaign video here:

Practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients

Smaller packs of paper sticky notes were distributed around the country by Reach for Recovery volunteers and friends. People were encouraged to take them to salons, cafés, restaurants, coffee shops, gyms, churches, mosques, community centres, and other places where women gather.

The campaign was also rolled out online on Euphoria’s social media pages through a mix of static and video content that links to a ‘Remember to Think Pink’ landing page.

The page encourages women all over the country to help paint South Africa pink by sharing a ‘make the smart call’ digital sticky note on their social media channels.

There are plans to cocreate annual breast cancer awareness campaigns with Euphoria Telecom every October. Check our news page and social media for details!

Practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients

My School. My Village. My Planet.

Reach for Recovery is an official beneficiary of the MySchool My Village My Planet programme.

MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet is one of South Africa’s biggest fundraising programmes and allows the cardholder to make a difference, just by shopping. 

Every month a total of R4 million is distributed to registered beneficiaries. We would like to encourage our supporters to select Reach for Recovery as their beneficiary of choice.  The process is simple:

  1. Join by clicking on this link: MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet
  2. Fill it in, choosing Reach for Recovery as your beneficiary.

Fill it in, choosing Reach for Recovery as your beneficiary.   

Practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients
Practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients

Every time you use your card at any:

  • Woolworths
  • Engen
  • Flight Centre
  • Worksheet Cloud
  • Netstar

They will give back a percentage of your purchase value, on your behalf, to our organisation at absolutely no cost to you!

Please sign up today and start supporting Reach for Recovery by just presenting your My School Card when you shop at Woolworths and partner outlets.


Reach for Recovery also runs campaigns on the GivenGain platform. This provides a secure and convenient way of donating funds to our organisation.