Lymphoedema is a swelling that occurs when lymph collects in a limb or other part of the body. Normal lymph drainage is sometimes interrupted or hampered as a result of damage to the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. 

This causes lymph to accumulate in the affected limb or part of the body.

Exercise improves the flexibility of your arm and promotes the drainage of lymph. Your doctor or physiotherapist can prescribe appropriate exercises.

 Lymph drainage by means of gentle manual massage is a medical massage technique which can reduce swelling and pressure. It is particularly effective if lymphoedema is diagnosed early.

What is lymph?

Lymph is a clear, colourless fluid that accumulates in the spaces between body cells and is collected by the vessels of the lymphatic system.

 It flows through the lymphatic vessels to the lymph nodes and is eventually absorbed into the bloodstream. The lymphatic system plays an important role in the immune system by filtering excess fluid, bacteria and byproducts of infections in the lymph nodes.

What is lymphoedema?

Damage to the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes can be caused by the tumour or by infection, but in most cases it is caused by a surgical intervention (operation). Lymph nodes can be damaged or removed during breast surgery and radiotherapy in the armpit area may cause lesions.

Circulation in the lymphatic system is hampered – as a result infection is not combated effectively. That is why it is very important to promote circulation as much as possible and to prevent possible infection.

When can I get lymphoedema?

Acute, moderate lymphoedema may occur immediately after surgery and is usually temporary. Acute and painful lymphoedema can present 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. 

The most common type of lymphoedema starts gradually and is relatively painless. It usually occurs 18 to 24 months after surgery or radiotherapy.

Many surgeons help to reduce the risk of lymphoedema by avoiding the routine removal of lymph nodes during surgery and rather opting for sentinel node biopsy.

How do I know if I have lymphoedema

Check any swelling, a feeling of heaviness or tightness or a constant pain or discomfort in or against the arm on the operated side. 

Your hand may swell – if your rings become too tight. The affected arm may also feel weak. 

You must inform your doctor of even the smallest sign of swelling.

How is lymphoedema treated?

Your doctor will assess the condition by comparing the swelling with the other arm and determining whether any tightness or heaviness is present. 

  • Any other possible causes, such as infection, a tumour or thrombosis will be ruled out. 
  • Treatment for lymphoedema usually includes wearing a compression bandage. 
  • Lymphatic manual draining (a medical massage technique) may also be prescribed. 
  • Exercise and certain preventative measures are also recommended.

What is a compression bandage?

A compression bandage is an elastic bandage in the shape of a garment, such as a sleeve that fits tightly around the arm. A compression sleeve may cover the whole arm, as well as the wrist and shoulder. 

The compression bandage exerts pressure on the swollen arm and prevents lymph from accumulating in one area. It is made by qualified staff according to the doctor’s prescription and must be replaced every 4 to 6 months to ensure a tight fit. 

It is worn according to the doctor’s instructions, sometimes only during the day, sometimes 24 hours per day. By wearing the compression bandage regularly lymphoedema can be improved 


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