In 2022, the Chair of RFR’s Board of Management, Stephné Jacobs, became the recipient of the prestigious Terese Lasser Award, bestowed by Reach to Recovery International(RRI). 

The online announcement was made on Saturday 24 September during a virtual ceremony of that year’s Reach to Recovery International Conference (RRI).

The Terese Lasser Award

The award is bestowed annually to a member of our international Reach community who has displayed excellence of leadership and been proactive in driving programmes and putting systems and strategies in place that move our organisation forward. Stephné’s dedicated championing of our cause, her inspiring leadership (particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic) and her work on driving the DITTO project are just some of the many impressive achievements of her tenure.

Stephné Jacobs and Reach for Recovery

Stephné has a decades-long relationship with Reach for Recovery South Africa. When was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999, the wonderful support she received from a Reach for Recovery volunteer made her decide to join the breast support group and be trained as a peer support volunteer.

Pretoria Group

She joined the Reach for Recovery Pretoria group soon after and put her heart into supporting patients on their breast cancer journey. The Pretoria group became the launchpad of her ever-increasing involvement with the organisation.

Stephné’s passion and leadership skills led to her being elected chairperson of the Pretoria group in 2008.

National leadership

In 2011, she was elected as national vice-coordinator and in September 2012 as national coordinator of Reach for Recovery.  During this time, she realised that Reach for Recovery could become so much more in the changing health environment and had the full potential to blossom into the breast cancer support organisation of choice in SA.

Strategic planning and RRI conference hosting

With this goal in mind, she initiated the first strategic planning session for the organisation in January 2013.  Stephné’s passion proved contagious.

She inspired representatives from all Reach for Recovery groups to attend this session and participate enthusiastically to pave the way for a focussed approach to services as well as a new “look and feel” for the organisation.

This strategic planning session was followed by an extremely exciting Reach to Recovery International Conference which was hosted in Cape Town in May 2013 under Stephné’s watch.

The conference included a “Volunteer Bash”. It provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for volunteers from all over South Africa to get together.

RFR launches cohesive new brand

In October 2014, Reach for Recovery launched a new brand with an on-trend logo and website and Stephné was elected as the first Chairperson of the newly established Board of Management.  The organisational structure was streamlined to reflect a professional business image.

2017: 50 years of RFR SA

As if this exceptional opportunity was not enough, in June 2017, 139 volunteers descended upon Mossel Bay to celebrate Reach for Recovery’s 50th birthday.

Again, it was Stephné that opened the door to another volunteer experience to ensure that those who join the organisation are happy and feel seen and inspired.  Stephné has always championed Reach volunteers and works tirelessly to ensure they receive adequate recognition for the skills each individual brings to the organisation.

The first-ever Volunteer Awards Ceremony also took place during this memorable celebration, and has remained in place ever since.

Conclusion: a woman who radiates passion and professionalism

As a volunteer leader and chairperson of the RFR Board of Management, Stephné is always focused on developing and honing Reach for Recovery’s strategy to achieve its overall mission, namely to provide emotional and practical support to breast cancer patients.

As Chairperson, she is Reach for Recovery’s primary public figure – a role that she excels in as she networks and navigates through community and business relations to ensure that Reach for Recovery is known for the excellent services it provides.

She radiates professionalism, passion, grace, and enthusiasm and this spreads to others at the board level as well as all Reach for Recovery volunteers.

At heart, Stephné remains a humble volunteer, a wonderful role model to all our volunteers – someone who knows how to love, inspire, empower, spoil and appreciate every single volunteer in the organisation.

An award for all

 Of her latest accolade she says: 

“For me, this wonderful award is truly for all of us @ReachSA! I am extremely honoured for this recognition and immensely grateful for the collective team effort our organisation continues to make on the journey of improved breast cancer care to all South Africans.”

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